It's All about the Heart

"It is only with the heart that one can see right; what is essential is invisible to the eye." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Friday, April 29, 2005


Finally, I survived the claws of the worst groupmate I ever had!
It feels so great!

Anyways, I am so embarassed to post this here...something to do with the advertisement shown in television.
Well, a few years ago, I bought a TAE-BO set online. It was a very overwhelming workout but I enjoyed every single thing.
Last Monday, I accidentally flipped the channel to this advertisement. It was the same product of Billy Blanks and it was called something like "bootcamp". It was so persuasive! I even called when they told the viewers to call within 15 minutes...Gees, I never thought that I will be one of those "weirdos" who buy stuff on TV...
I'm still waiting for it to arrive though and I hope I'll like it...

I still have plenty of projects to do but since I am so over with my group project, I am so happy to finish everything by Sunday...

Thursday, April 28, 2005


I don't consider myself one... I enjoy talking to different kinds of people because I get to know different kinds of personalities. The thing about this entry though is I haven't had any difficulty dealing with others until I met one of my groupmates in Psychology 211. I'm telling you, I had the hardest time dealing with her pesonality. I don't want to judge her or anything but I can tell you that she is just uptight and a push-over kinda person. Probably, it is just me, but I can't stand her! Do you guys ever had this kind of feeling, that the first time you meet someone, you just don't feel like their company?

I don't want to go into much details but darn it! I need to let this feeling out or I might end up pulling her hair!
Hahaha! I'm just kidding! of course, I'm not gonna do that...

I gotta bounce! good thing we're reporting tonight and I won't have to deal with her no more!


Monday, April 25, 2005

Missing in Action

Yeah... I've been MIA these past few days...Hmmm...where am I going to start?

I've been busy with school and I forgot to mention..STRESSED OUT

By Thursday night, I was able to get a deep breath after I doing my experiment's presentation (Oh yeah, this project was a BIG BIG stressor)

Anyways, I haven't been feeling well, that same day, I guess it's due to weather changes. It's been weird lately thinking it's almost summer but it feels like darn cold!

Thursday night, I tried to get a decent sleep but I guess it's not my lucky night. Stuffy nose and itchy throat has been bugging me the whole night.

I have to wake up at 4AM on Friday, ditching my school and work just to go with the youth group at Six Flags Magic Mountain. Not my favorite place in the world but I have to let all the stress out by riding extreme roller coasters!

Guess what? I only rode one extreme which is the Batman. It's enough to give me nauseated feeling...not euphoria but I can actually feel that I am about to throw-up. Anyways, had a good time and lost my voice. DArn it! I won't take anymore cough drops because that made my throat even worst...
By 11PM, I have to scream in order to be heard....we headed home at 12AM after watching a concert.

Got back home in San Diego at 3AM. Our driver, Pastor Greg was so sleepy that he had to take a nap. We stayed inside the van while he doze off. I've been dying to go home because I am so not feeling good so I called my dad at 4AM telling him to pick me up at PG's place.

I finally reached home at 4:15, took a short shower and went to bed.

I woke up at 11AM with a bad headache and no voice. I still tried to accompany my mom to a birthday party although I was dragging myself to drive decently. The party was a blast, there were plenty of food but men! my head is floating!

Went back home at 3PM, and I was so pissed off... (don't ask why, it's a sibling thing!)

Left home again at 6PM to attend another birthday party... Gees I'm telling you, it was and all-you-can eat day. I'm still not feeling well so I have no guilty feeling about the food.. hehehe
At around 9PM, the church members had a practice...we will be presenting a hand mime on Sunday (that was yesterday).
Snooze at around 12:30 AM because I still managed to watch a DVD... (I am hard headed huh?)

Sunday went great...still tired but my voice is starting to come back...
I have a very husky and sexy voice right now... anybody wants to hear it? :p
BTW, earlier in school, I picked up 4 bucks on the floor, had no clue who lost it so I kept it. My friend told me that it was a blessing from heaven because I've been spending a lot of money printing my homeworks...
Then, my friend and I signed up for an experiment for extra credit then decided to go home afterwards...

I'm here at home trying to rest... my back hurts and I've been coughing like a barking dog!...


Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Pop those Veins out!

I promise myself that I won't do this anymore!


I felt so overfatigue that I think I'm gonna be sick...
I'll post details after I get over from this madness...

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Three Words

I am busy!

Friday, April 15, 2005

Can't wait til Next Friday

I'm telling you... I can't wait til next Friday...


It's the day after all the deadlines for this month...
Ayayay! Sorry, I have to let it out! I am so stress out with school. I even dream about all the projects that are due...showing how stressed I am...

Schedules for summer class are out but I don't know if I'm going to register for a class. I need 35 more units to graduate. Meaning, if I won't be attending summer, I need to divide those units in two, to graduate Spring 2006. But heck! I'm talking about upper division classes here...I also have to pull my GPA up so I have to get at least a B+ on all of these classes. My GPA is ayt it's just that it's not good enough if I want to get Masters in an Ivy League University. Darn it! freaking 3.70 is the minimum requirement.

Final remarks: I need an OOOZAA!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


My co-worker just arrived from a 15 day vacation in the Philippines. Guess what? I gave her 20 bucks to buy me some junk food. Anyways, yesterday, she gave me a big bag filled with all the stuff that I asked her to buy me. Deng! so much stuff. From yema, polvoron, pastillas, lengua de gato, and "daing na pusit, tuyo". I bet the neighborhood will complain about the smell, especially that the three apartments around us are Caucasians. Who cares! it's so darn good! Ate even bought me "patupat" and "tupig" from Pangasinan. Ayayay!!! I am binging!!! which is not good because that's agaist my so called dieting...Hello one-hour threadmill!

On a side note: I'm planning to get braces on summer. I still going on and off about it though. It's just that while watching Ms. USA last night, it's an asset of you have a perfect teeth. My teeth are not that bad, I am just sometimes annoyed with my canines, it's out of place. Have you seen Keira Knightley's (spelling?), my teeth are kinda like that...$3000 in two years??? Ah! we'll see

Paging Fides!
Need your help for my homework!..text me back ayt..

Gotta go.. I have a two papers due by tomorrow and Friday, then a test tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The Hollow Mind

I think my brain just stopped from working...there's so much stuff to do...Deng! so stressful...Hope to make it 'til the end... Wish me luck!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

The License Plate

I made an entry last Thursday but when I clicked on POST...the internet went offline... don't you hate that when it happens?

Anyways, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed...I think this has something to do with what's going on lately with the family... some family issues has been around the air lately and I can't seem to stand it anymore...

On the way home (after church, which helped me a lot to feel better), I saw a quote on a license plate. it goes something like this : A TOUGH TIME WON'T LAST LONG, BUT A TOUGH PERSON WILL

That made my day... sooner or later, everything will be back to normal...I just need to hang in there...

My projects are starting to pile up...Anyone wants to help me?

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


I am extremely tired! physically and mentally!

I am a little upset with my responsibilities...I mean being the eldest among my siblings...

I'm so sorry...I'm not feeling good...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Three Things

I had a very sleepy day... hehehe... I've always been sleepy...
When I was in my BioPsych class, I can't help but close my eyes...I'm telling you, I didn't get half of the lecture. I love that class, but I guess I had too much tea yesterday that it kept me half awake all night.

Anyways, there are three things that kinda made this day special...

First, today, April 5, is our 5th Anniversary after arriving here in the United States... Basically, we are now all qualified to apply for naturalization. Hehehe! I already did! Deng, the days have just been gone so fast...I remember four years back, we are all having a hard time adjusting to a new culture, yet, here we are pretty much adjusted to the way Americans live their lives. And can you imagine that my parents are now starting to build their credit history???? Hahaha! I was the one who had the very first credit card in the family because my parents are not just used to the term "utang". After all the persuasive speeches I made that having "utang" is kinda good in US, they finally gave in last year.

Second, one of my closest friend is getting married. She sent a text message that she's having her special day on the 17th. Too bad, I won't see her get married but I am very happy for her. Also, it made me even happier that she's not gonna get married because she's pregnant! isn't that great?

Lastly, I made a plan with my friend. I won't tell what is that about but I am hoping that this one will be a success...

Off topic:
Have you ever seen a very impressive resume??? Remember, I told you about my procrastination? well, I finally able to ask one of my professor for my project, and heck! his CV was so great! I wish mine will be at least like his in the future...

Monday, April 04, 2005

Career Color Assessment

I took another assessment test because I have to. It was our homework and ticket-in for today. At first, I was intrigued and I said to myself that I prolly need to confirm if I'm on the right track. So after some, calculations, spatial and abstract reasoning, verbal, and etc...the test result came up...

The career for me lies in public service. Then out of nowhere, came management as my second alternative. I didn't expect that... Anyways, I am really confident that that's my field, no doubt about that. Can you imagine the list they gave me? biological technician, chemical technician, psychiatrist, physicist, lawyer, and other health related professions.

It was a very cool website although I have to pay a freaking 15 bucks for the assessment.... if you're interested on knowing which career suits you the best, check it out : Career Colors

I am cramming on finding a psychology graduate's resume....It's gonna be due on Wednesday... Arrgh!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

My longest Fone chat!

Well, last night I spent 5 hours of my time chatting on the fone... No kidding! 5 straight hours!... The longest one I had before was with Hannah which is like 3 hours. I beat that last night!
Prolly, the DST has something to do with that...don't you think? Yeah, we gotta adjust our clocks an hour ahead...
I talked to four people. First, I received a call from Boying. We had our usual conversation about how's it going...and we kinda talked a little about my very gray lovelife.. hahahaha...Then I called Roseanne, right after I hanged up the fone with Boying...As usual, girls talk... guys, money, and romance! hehehehe!!! No wonder, it took us a while to say goodbye because of our very interesting topics...Then I had my call card recharged for $10. I called my BFF in the Philippines hoping that she's home. Luckily, she was! I haven't talk to her eversince she had her baby. So use your imagination, how long will our conversation be? Anyways, I ended up missing all the stuff I should've experienced if I'm in the Philippines... picnics, birthdays, christenings, etc... hayayay! If I can only fly to the Philippines ASAP, I will...Finally, my fone chat ended with Noriel...the guy who just won't give up! If I will ever see this guy, I will definitely give him a trophy for perseverance!...Golly, I wonder if he took my salutatory speech in high school about perseverance... He might huh? BTW, he called me and I didn't call him....

Shopping galore:
I went with my mom at Target.. Bought the Lord of the Rings Trilogy DVDs coz it was in SALE for 10 bucks a piece... good deal huh? Then I also bought USHER's CD for 13.99.... I think that was the latest, it includes Confessions 2 and of course my favorite MY BOO!!!!! I wanted to buy the Friends Season 9 but I'm not sure if that's the last season coz I might get a better deal if I'm going to buy 2 seasons. Also, I saw Southpark's Season 5 on DVD... I am so tempted to buy it!

I've been spending a lot lately, the fruit of getting your income tax returned... hahahaha!!! My naturalization paper is on process already, prolly, by the end of this month I will be getting a notification to get have my fingerprints taken. Also, I need to work extra hours because I have to pay my car's registration fee!!!

Spring break just ended and I am back to school tomorrow!..which means, back to my normal routine!

I love my life!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

No April Fool's Joke!

I asked for a day off this weekend because I thought that my friends and I will be heading to Rosarito, Mexico for Spring break. Unfortunately, nobody wants to drive so we ended up cancelling the whole thing. There's still a lot of time to visit the place since it is just an hour away from Tijuana. Oh well, I spent the whole day yesterday, slacking off. I woke up quite early and wasn't able to get any more sleep. I decided to turn on the TV and watched E! I got bored that I said to myself that I needed to give the mall a visit. I headed to the bank to deposit some checks (hehehe, that's why I went to the mall for shopping!)...Went to University Towne Center and strolled around the mall. I am so dying to buy the Dolce and Gabbana perfume so I went to Sephora to look for one... Gees! it was so expensive... the small bottle costs like 45 bucks! Anyways, I still bought it and mahn! I am so loving it!!!!...Then I went to Claire's to buy some earrings...(I wear weird earrings, according to my coworker)...I can't help the cravings for chocolate when I passed by the See's store. I asked for SUMMERTIME (my favorite) but they still don't have I just chose a pair of the Polar Bear Claws. I still wanted to go to Robinson's May but I am so contented with the chocolates that I decided to go home. Before heading home, I went to have my gas filled up at Shell. Drove to Longs Drugs to buy some body wash, a birthday card, and feminine products. Rented a movie (Mulan 2 and The Little Blackbook). Bought the ingredients for lasagna...Went home... and baked the lasagna...
That's pretty much it......

I am having a very bad headache right now!!!...arrgh! (pulls hair)