It's All about the Heart

"It is only with the heart that one can see right; what is essential is invisible to the eye." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Saturday, November 12, 2005

My nephew

Gosh!... He's so freaking cute!... I hope he walks soon. Can you believe that he's only 9 months and he crawls like a lunatic...He's so funny and he brings so much joy in the family. Last night, they (my bro, sister in law, and Caleb) were here. I am usually snoozing by 9 PM coz I have to wake up at 3 AM the next day. But heck! I stayed up til they went home at around 11 PM. Not getting enough sleep didn't bother me at all. He loves to giggle and touch your face. It's just so awesome.

Hah! I didn't mind having one pimple today due to lack of sleep. I really have no clue, but I'm telling if I get less than 6 hours of sleep, for sure, I'll wake up with a zit...

It's so dark outside when it's only 6 o'clock. I am not really into this kind of season because days are shorter. I prefer longer days coz I get to do more things outside the house. Now, when it's dark, I am so lazy to go out and to think that I suck (not really suck, not my fave I mean) driving at night coz of the glare and flashing lights. I am planning to but new eyeglass frame in the Philippines hoping it'll be cheaper then get new lenses when I get here. Frames here are so freaking the lenses with special effects and stuff rips me off!...Suck! but gees, it's a necessity!

I am down to my last pair of contact lenses and I'll prolly stick to my glasses for a while coz I'm broke! Hahahaha! I'm so stupid that I can't even afford to buy new sets...Oh well, it's all good...

I'm hungry... wonder what'ts for dinner... Ciao!